About Me

Hi, I'm Emma! I'm an animal lover and pet owner of a cat and a horse. I've been pet sitting for over 5 years, and I love it! I have experience caring for cats, dogs, birds (parrotlets, chickens, ducks), fish, horses, donkeys, and cows! Meeting and caring for pets is something I love deeply. 

A little more about me,  I've been riding horses for 7 years and as an equestrian you'll find me at the barn with my horse often. When I'm not at the barn I'm either playing with my cat, Kevin or taking care of clients pets.

This is Kevin, she is about 4. We adopted her when she was 1 1/2 from Angel's Wish. She took some time to get used to not being around us every day when lockdown ended and is always happy when we get home at night. She loves playing with her glitter balls and fake mice, cuddling and napping.

Here is Nike, my 16 year old paint horse. We adopted her 5 years ago. She lives at a barn in Belleville and is taken care of like she's a queen. She was formerly my jumping horse but after an injury I decided to switch disciplines to dressage. Taking things back to the basics, we are slowly making progress in her training.

These doggies have been consistently on my schedule for over a year. I have nicknamed them the 3 B's due to their names all starting with a 'B'. The Yellow Lab is Blue (in the front), the girls in the back are Bernie the Golden Retriever (left), and Bella the Black Lab (right). 

Cancellation Policy

New clients must put a FULL deposit down when you book the sit. Cash or check accepted, Venmo will not be accepted in 2024.

Cancellations made 3 weeks or more prior to the booking will receive their full deposit back. 

Cancellations made 2 weeks prior to the booking will receive 50% of their deposit back

Cancellations made 1 week or less prior to the booking will not get their deposit back.

If you book last minute (less than 2 weeks prior to the sit), the cancellation policy is exempt.